lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Es la hora

Chicas frustradas del mundo:

Nuestro cuerpo es nuestra cárcel, pero también es nuestro templo. Es nuestro viaje, y nuestro destino. Es nuestro regalo, nuestra propiedad. Es cada una de nosotras, todo lo que somos. Nada más y nada menos. No odiéis vuestro cuerpo porque sea grueso, tampoco lo hagáis porque sea delgado. No os deprimáis por ser demasiado bajitas, tampoco porque os llamen larguiruchas. La perfección no existe en un solo tipo, sino está en todas nosotras. Lo que tenéis es perfecto, porque es único, e inigualable. Recordad eso; los cánones no existen. Tan solo son el tormento de una sociedad podrida. Creed en vosotras, en lo que sois. Sed tan valiosas por dentro como lo sois por fuera, y encontraréis la felicidad, felicidad por saber aceptaros y por amaros tal y como sois. Buscad gente así y enamoraros. Enamoraros de personas que merezcan la pena porque sepan ver esto. Ver la belleza en uno mismo está al alcance de todos, pero de todos los que quieren. Corred vuestras voces y gritad a los cuatro vientos que sois hermosas. Porque lo sois. A pesar de no haber sonreído todo este tiempo. Ha llegado la hora de hacerlo. Y lo sabéis.


viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015


Mi dream is going to NY. Making my way though the busy sidewalks, having coffee while watching the dazzling shop windows. I'd love wandering around Central Park and talking to squirrels :) and calling up a taxi so I feel like in a movie. I wanna get lost in Time's Square and stare at the shiny panels until my eyes hurt. I'll just look at millions of unknown faces walking past me and feel so overwhelmed and alone and the same time, alone with my thoughts and with myself, in such a peaceful way to disconnect from life. When I dream, I am in NY. I am one more and nothing less. One feeling herself and the wonder of belonging to the world.

martes, 28 de abril de 2015


En sus más profundos sueños, escapa de su naturaleza salvaje. Recorre cientos de desolados caminos, desolados, como él. Al fondo, un río se lleva fuertes corrientes de agua, igual que sus esperanzas, murmurando un rumbo sin final. Por las noches vuela por un cielo sombrío y triste, y el brillo de las estrellas encandilan su noción del tiempo y de existencia. Sus alas, tenebrosas, se expanden hacia un devenir incierto, y el mundo no es más que mudo. Poesía. Sensaciones. Utopía. Simple alegoría.


lunes, 20 de abril de 2015


In this life we are mere dancers. Stories go, stories come, the world turns around us and drags us to its constant choreography. Our feelings dash in the air through a sigh of lustrous temper. We dance in darkess, waiting for a ray of light to guide our steps, we rise in hopes of finding sense in our performance, and we dread the feel of it. How does it feel when you've got nothing to lose? when you enjoy your rhythm and don't expect to be valued? You just dance for your own purpose, and you love the feel of the music. You just don't expect there are people following you, you just don't look at the stage, or how much light is shining upon you. You just feel the beat, the beat of life.


For nature's with me

Fresh air deep in my lungs
Leaves playing with the wind
I close my weary eyes
For nature’s with me

Salty wind kisses my face
Nothing more that I need
Such joy I own in me
As my bike gains speed

It’s written in the sky
It’s written in the sea
No need to be afraid
For nature’s now with me

The place where I belong
I feel it surely is
While seagulls caw my song
My song of liberty.


Just like the moon

Just like the moon
Splendid and sweet
But out of reach
That's only you

Just like the moon
Your rays tell me
The sun's to meet
And I fall in gloom


sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015

Self love - Self esteem

You're gonna do EVERYTHING you want because you can, and you want to. You just don't know how powerful you are. You are not at all aware of the things you are capable to do and to achieve. Because there's no stronger love than the one you can profess to yourself. But it is hard to love oneself. I would say it is the most difficult challenge of life. We usually don't even trust ourselves. If you are able of waking up every morning and looking up at the mirror saying "I love you" and REALLY meaning it, you have achieved the main goal of your life. This is just a basic concept. Happiness comes after that, and everything that it involves. You name anything, you are bound to pull it off, even the weirdest of dreams. But you have to really believe you can. You need your "self love" to make your life work out, to complete yourself, to love others, and most important, to love life. Any obstacle that comes into you path to make you struggle just needs to be fight or ignored by your courage, and always with a smile on your face and remembering that right before being loved by anyone else, you just need to be loved by YOURSELF. Feel your awesomeness because it's worth it, notice the good effect you cause of your closest people and the significance of your presence to them. Realize how important it is for this world to have you. Believe it, because it is true and because you deserve it.
