lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Es la hora

Chicas frustradas del mundo:

Nuestro cuerpo es nuestra cárcel, pero también es nuestro templo. Es nuestro viaje, y nuestro destino. Es nuestro regalo, nuestra propiedad. Es cada una de nosotras, todo lo que somos. Nada más y nada menos. No odiéis vuestro cuerpo porque sea grueso, tampoco lo hagáis porque sea delgado. No os deprimáis por ser demasiado bajitas, tampoco porque os llamen larguiruchas. La perfección no existe en un solo tipo, sino está en todas nosotras. Lo que tenéis es perfecto, porque es único, e inigualable. Recordad eso; los cánones no existen. Tan solo son el tormento de una sociedad podrida. Creed en vosotras, en lo que sois. Sed tan valiosas por dentro como lo sois por fuera, y encontraréis la felicidad, felicidad por saber aceptaros y por amaros tal y como sois. Buscad gente así y enamoraros. Enamoraros de personas que merezcan la pena porque sepan ver esto. Ver la belleza en uno mismo está al alcance de todos, pero de todos los que quieren. Corred vuestras voces y gritad a los cuatro vientos que sois hermosas. Porque lo sois. A pesar de no haber sonreído todo este tiempo. Ha llegado la hora de hacerlo. Y lo sabéis.


viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015


Mi dream is going to NY. Making my way though the busy sidewalks, having coffee while watching the dazzling shop windows. I'd love wandering around Central Park and talking to squirrels :) and calling up a taxi so I feel like in a movie. I wanna get lost in Time's Square and stare at the shiny panels until my eyes hurt. I'll just look at millions of unknown faces walking past me and feel so overwhelmed and alone and the same time, alone with my thoughts and with myself, in such a peaceful way to disconnect from life. When I dream, I am in NY. I am one more and nothing less. One feeling herself and the wonder of belonging to the world.

martes, 28 de abril de 2015


En sus más profundos sueños, escapa de su naturaleza salvaje. Recorre cientos de desolados caminos, desolados, como él. Al fondo, un río se lleva fuertes corrientes de agua, igual que sus esperanzas, murmurando un rumbo sin final. Por las noches vuela por un cielo sombrío y triste, y el brillo de las estrellas encandilan su noción del tiempo y de existencia. Sus alas, tenebrosas, se expanden hacia un devenir incierto, y el mundo no es más que mudo. Poesía. Sensaciones. Utopía. Simple alegoría.


lunes, 20 de abril de 2015


In this life we are mere dancers. Stories go, stories come, the world turns around us and drags us to its constant choreography. Our feelings dash in the air through a sigh of lustrous temper. We dance in darkess, waiting for a ray of light to guide our steps, we rise in hopes of finding sense in our performance, and we dread the feel of it. How does it feel when you've got nothing to lose? when you enjoy your rhythm and don't expect to be valued? You just dance for your own purpose, and you love the feel of the music. You just don't expect there are people following you, you just don't look at the stage, or how much light is shining upon you. You just feel the beat, the beat of life.


For nature's with me

Fresh air deep in my lungs
Leaves playing with the wind
I close my weary eyes
For nature’s with me

Salty wind kisses my face
Nothing more that I need
Such joy I own in me
As my bike gains speed

It’s written in the sky
It’s written in the sea
No need to be afraid
For nature’s now with me

The place where I belong
I feel it surely is
While seagulls caw my song
My song of liberty.


Just like the moon

Just like the moon
Splendid and sweet
But out of reach
That's only you

Just like the moon
Your rays tell me
The sun's to meet
And I fall in gloom


sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015

Self love - Self esteem

You're gonna do EVERYTHING you want because you can, and you want to. You just don't know how powerful you are. You are not at all aware of the things you are capable to do and to achieve. Because there's no stronger love than the one you can profess to yourself. But it is hard to love oneself. I would say it is the most difficult challenge of life. We usually don't even trust ourselves. If you are able of waking up every morning and looking up at the mirror saying "I love you" and REALLY meaning it, you have achieved the main goal of your life. This is just a basic concept. Happiness comes after that, and everything that it involves. You name anything, you are bound to pull it off, even the weirdest of dreams. But you have to really believe you can. You need your "self love" to make your life work out, to complete yourself, to love others, and most important, to love life. Any obstacle that comes into you path to make you struggle just needs to be fight or ignored by your courage, and always with a smile on your face and remembering that right before being loved by anyone else, you just need to be loved by YOURSELF. Feel your awesomeness because it's worth it, notice the good effect you cause of your closest people and the significance of your presence to them. Realize how important it is for this world to have you. Believe it, because it is true and because you deserve it.


One whole soul

I don't need to share my life with anyone other than my family and my friends. I consider myself quite an independent person and sometimes that makes me realise that that's the real reason I don't find my other half, because maybe I was born being a whole soul who doesn't need to depend on other. And that's where freedom lies


Sept, 16. 2014 3:04

He necesitado años y experiencia para darme cuenta de que el ser humano es psicológicamente dependiente por naturaleza. Unos buscan una media naranja para complementarse, otros se apoyan en la religión o se preocupan excesivamente por opiniones ajenas sobre su persona y acciones. Yo creo que ser independiente es un gran reto y lo mejor que, personalmente, me ha pasado en la vida. Porque soy yo misma y disfruto al serlo, al tener total libertad para elegir, decidir, y conocerme a fondo, errar y aprender a ser mejor persona. La propia misión del ser humano.


lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

Love is not fun

When an adventurous and passionate girl is into you, she will never let you down. She will try to feel you every way possible, and she will let you feel her, fully and thoroughly. She will make you laugh crying and she will make you cry laughing, she will get you through experiences you would never think of, and you will find yourself doing things you can't even imagine by now. She will get into your mind, like a delightful song, driving you deliciously mad. She will be up for anything everytime, and she will never think about ties or future, you both would be two sweet, crazy and free souls, riding together in a road full of dreams and rivers of darkness


domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015


Friendship means being yourself with someone by your side, having someone who knows you better than anyone else and someone who you would fight for until the end as if your life was depending on it. A true friend is someone who doesn't do other thing when you feel blue but taking you under their arm letting you weep hard, while they whisper you hush and listen to your trouble. You know you have a real friend when you know how their sentences are going to end and you don't need words to communicate to each other, you just look at them and you know what they're thinking about. When they leave everything to go to you if you need them. When you spend hours laughing at nothing in particular, sleepless nights talking about love or how you want your future to be, evenings watching films and eating popcorn, wild nights hitting the dancefloor or puking in their toilet. They won't care at all about your troubles and imperfections, they will accept you and love you the way you are. They will provide you with very important values, which will be very useful for you to build up your life. You will miss them the first minute they are gone and you will consider their problems your problems, their enemies will become your enemies and their family will be your family. Real friends will walk with you along this path of life, they will be celebrating with you amazing and joyful moments and they will be helping you out during unfortunate and dreadful experiences. I mean, they are ALWAYS going to be there. Most of the time love comes and goes, but a real friendship stays forever. 


Scary world.

When I was a little kid, everything was scary, the world seemed to me something to discover, and I felt too weak and insignificant to break through it. I wasn't given any encourage to chase my dreams, I couldn't even know what a dream was, bad things you experience at night, maybe, before you wake up. As you get older, life teaches you that you must take a side towards it. You either take it by storm, powerfully and fight, for all that you want to achieve, or you either fall down, and let the flow take you with it, passively and recklessly. It's up to you, your choice, to your future and your happiness. The world really is scary, it will always be, but, what if we use it to become bolder, braver and stronger?

There's a silver lining after all.


sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

Icebergs break love.

There should have been enough room for Jack in that board, Rose deserved a man like Jack in her life. He should have lived, they would have been able to make it to New York together and they would have started a happy life there. Jack would have held Rose's hand while watching the Statue of liverty close up. "I love you" He would have said to her. They would have been inmensely poor, but it wouldn't have mattered, because they had each other, and with that they would have been the richest people ever. They would have lived in a shitty cave if that was what it took, they would have had many children, filling with love every morning and every night of their existence. Jack would have bought flowers to Rose every Saturday and they would have gone to the park every sunny Sunday morning. They would have spent sweet, loving days and passionate nights. They would have got older side by side, and they would have seen their lives go by in front of them, together. But no. James Cameron decided to freeze Jack to death in the Atlantic ocean and Rose was left alone, in New York, with no one by her side, expecting a life with no destination in mind.


Morning after

She woke up in sweat, too much hot, with a ray of light hitting her right eye and the sound of the waves making a peaceful melody. There were still rose petals all over the room and her underwear on the floor. Sally took a moment to absorb that wonderful feeling and made an attempt to recall something, anything that happened last night, and then the big mess came into her mind, making her let down. She moved forward in order to get up when she found an envelope by her side, her eyes had a blurred vision due to her sleep, but she got to work out her name written on the outside. It was Patrick’s handwriting. Breathlessly, she opened it and grabbed roughly the little piece of soft paper that was waiting to be read. “You warned me not to fall in love, I’m afraid I have, Sally. You’re my life. That’s why we have to stop seeing each other, because our plan is not working and this can end up in no good.” She took a moment to breath, hard. She felt her mind was blank at that point and she couldn’t work out any of her feelings. Patrick was gone, forever. She couldn’t believe it. She had promised herself way before she met him that she wouldn’t be involved in love, but, just in that moment, that second she finished reading that letter, surprisingly she found out she was already too deep inside it, and there was just no way back.


viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015

Melancholia and Rocks

Sometimes I wish I was a rock. Because I wouldn't have feelings. I wouldn't feel any sorrow for this world, and I wouldn't suffer the frustration by the impossibility of changing it. I can't change the way some people act, or the way shit happens with no apparent reason. I wouldn't be stuck in pain each time I get my heart broken and I wouldn't question myself what's the reason of my existence. There are things worth living in life, I know. But what's the price for them? Sometimes melancholia fills the soul of the human being, as mine while I'm writing this, and so, I just have to wonder: What if I were a rock?


jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015


Lately, a lot of people have been asking me why I have a butterfly tattooed on my upper back. Well, the truth is I am very fond of butterflies, but sometimes life can be a simile. Actually, not so long ago, I used to be a caterpillar. I was bound to a lot of complications and had to live my life in chains, being a “weird” human being, who was easily told apart from the rest of people, existing in isolation. I was lost and I didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Eventually, I learnt how to see life from other perspectives, because I realized how strong I was. I worked on my inner me, I tried to grow up as a person and I stopped falling. I met wonderful people who guided me, I was given lots of opportunities and I received all the love possible anyone can ever wish. I learnt that life smiles you back if you smile to it. And finally I broke free of my chains, I got to be other person, to metamorphose in a happy, free and beautiful butterfly, who floats around the world with no destination in mind, enjoying each moment in its life and the awesome feeling of being alive.


Nightly Thoughts

Hopes are nothing worth living for, because they will make you weaker. Expecting things makes them bound not to happen. Dreams are pathetic and a waste of time, strength and illusion. My piece of advice, and philosophy of life: Live it, no matter what, no matter how, no matter when and no matter where. Enjoy each moment as it comes, accept it and improve anything you can, learn from your mistakes and grow as a person. But take this into account: DON'T EXPECT ANYTHING. Future doesn't exist. Like this, you will get through this rough life without falling apart each time you get our heart broken.
