Lately, a lot of people have been asking me why I have a butterfly tattooed on my upper back. Well, the truth is I am very fond of butterflies, but sometimes life can be a simile. Actually, not so long ago, I used to be a caterpillar. I was bound to a lot of complications and had to live my life in chains, being a “weird” human being, who was easily told apart from the rest of people, existing in isolation. I was lost and I didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Eventually, I learnt how to see life from other perspectives, because I realized how strong I was. I worked on my inner me, I tried to grow up as a person and I stopped falling. I met wonderful people who guided me, I was given lots of opportunities and I received all the love possible anyone can ever wish. I learnt that life smiles you back if you smile to it. And finally I broke free of my chains, I got to be other person, to metamorphose in a happy, free and beautiful butterfly, who floats around the world with no destination in mind, enjoying each moment in its life and the awesome feeling of being alive.